For pickup on Wednesday, June 10:
- Honey Oat Sandwich Bread
- Half Wheat Sandwich Bread
- Challah Sandwich Rolls
- English Muffins
- French Bread
- Cinnamon Pecan Biscotti
For pickup on Saturday, June 13:
- Italian Sesame Bread (Scali Bread)
- Apple Cinnamon Babka (due to limited supply, there is a limit of one babka per customer)
- English Muffins
- French Bread
- Chocolate Chip Muffins
- Cinnamon Pecan Biscotti
Prices and quantity available are listed on the website. If you don’t see an item listed above pictured on the website ordering page, it has sold out. Reserve your order early as most items sell quickly.
** Please keep in mind that items listed for Wednesday pickup are only available on Wednesday and cannot be held or made for Saturday. If you order something for Wednesday and Saturday pickup, you will have two pickup days. **
Orders will be ready in the Bake Shed in East Dorset by 9am on both pickup days (Wednesday and Saturday). Payment is due on pick up, cash or check accepted. Envelopes are attached to your order bag listing the total amount due and should be left with payment in the box on the wall.
Do not enter the Bake Shed if you are showing signs of illness or are in quarantine.
Please continue to limit occupancy in the Bake Shed to one customer at a time; keep your distance if you are waiting to enter. I clean the door handles, cases and things that are touchable routinely throughout the pickup day, but please be mindful of others, wear a mask and only touch your labeled order bag/box.